The man who loved pink dolphins

Anthony Ham
When Chris Clark was born in Glasgow in 1960, the Amazon was still intact and magnificent. Over his lifetime, vast swathes of the world’s largest rainforest have disappeared. This is the story of a man who spent a lifetime trying to save a pristine corner of the Amazon.

Chris Clark is a flawed and fascinating hero, one who survived tragedy, numerous death threats, a dysfunctional family, and the full-throated opposition of powerful interests in Brazil to carve out a small but vital piece of the Amazon rainforest. Supported by a small but passionate group of supporters, and aided by the Waimiri-Atroari, one of the most isolated Indian nations in the northern Amazon, Clark spent thirty years in a race against time to save the Amazon before it disappeared.

The Man Who Loved Pink Dolphins tells the story of the fight to save the lungs of the world through the story of one man who is considered a hero in conservation circles.

3 Main St Buderim - QLD 4556
(07) 5445 3779