Lots of second hand books for sale at excellent prices at out Book Fairs – held twice a year. All categories – fiction, art and craft, gardening, sport, biographies, children’s, history, travel, cookery, science and lots more.
Books Donations
We gratefully accept donations of any good quality second hand books, children’s books, jigsaws and specialty magazines, such National Geographic etc, for Library and the Easter Book Market and Christmas Fair, throughout the year.
All year a group of ladies work tirelessly getting donated books ready for our Book Markets. The donated books need to be sorted, cleaned, repaired (if necessary), priced and then it’s all hands on deck to work at the Book Market setting up and selling.
Those events are our major fundraising yearly events and we would not be able to survive without this income.
Book Repair/Restoration
We have skilled volunteers who painstakingly repair and restore damaged books. If you have any treasured books that are damaged and would like them repaired, please contact us and we may be of assistance for a reasonable fee.
This is an example of a precious family bible that was repaired by our team.
- Bobbie Taylor
- Book Restoration
- Book Restoration
- Book Restoration
- Book Restoration
- Easter Book Market
- Book Restoration
- Pat Castle
- Book Restoration